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Deposit methods

About credit/debit cards

Some examples: VISA, MasterCard, VISA Electron, EntroPay, Maestro, AMEX, etc. They are the most popular method among online players.

About prepaid cards:

Prepaid cards like Paysafe and EntroPay are also used by users that prefer not to share their credit card information on the Internet. They are easy and quick to use for deposits, and almost all casinos accept them.

Problems with using credit and debit cards:

The problem with credit/debit cards is that it’s not as fast to withdraw with them as it is with other payment methods like e-wallets, this is due to bank’s processing times. Also, you will be required to send documents to authenticate your card to the Cashier team of the casino. Another problem is that not all credit/debit cards can be used to withdraw, so you would need an alternative method for your payouts in this case.

Payment methods:

MasterCard, VISA